Non stop Rock 'n' Roll Tattoo Action!

The title is the tagline of the tattooist I freqeuent and it couldn't be truer. We clocked up the years I've been visiting and it's currently at six!
I had another three hours work on my sleeve today- I'm totally in love with it even more so, everytime something else is added. A kraken and ship (a doodle from a while ago that I decided to transfer to skin) and more sea work got done today (Additional). It was as relaxing as usual and the time flew by chatting with a friend who'd accompanied me. I still haven't convinced him to get one himself!
A lovely catch up with a friend and her recent new arrival in the morning set the tone for what was to be a great day.
I headed off for lunch before the ink work with a friend, completed the food shop afterwards and then headed to the cinema with The Mother and Li'l sis' to see Beauty and the Beast. It wasn't bad at all!

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