One Moment in Time

By CatchingTheSun

Catching the Sun: Yay! Another first

It is spring. My pictures should be full of lambs gambolling in the early morning light or at the very least lying tranquilly with their mothers waiting for the day to begin in earnest. As of 6 am this morning nothing! Zilch! Nada! I’ve looked on with envy at the lambs making their appearance all over the internet, I’m despondent and fighting unkind thoughts that the stunning image I saw yesterday was photo-shopped!
To give a little context, today marks the midway point of fulfilling a promise. It all started on the winter solstice when feeling washed out and lethargic I promised myself to take better care of my health by getting up every day between then and the summer solstice to catch the sunrise.  
On 21st December I set off with something less than enthusiasm on the first of many sunrise walks.  About 10 minutes from home I was standing in the cold and damp gloom watching sheep feeding around a pile of straw and discovering the camera battery was flat. The only option for a photograph my mobile phone.  I took the first snap.

No work of art, in fact, I’m feeling embarrassed about sharing it, but it’s necessary for the story.
Back to today, 20th March the spring equinox, the midway point between the winter solstice and the summer solstice, the midway point for my promise.
I’m standing by the same field, the sheep gathered around the hay feeder in much the same way they had been 90 days ago. The weather is just as drizzly and they are all munching away in the same way as they had been, heads rammed into the straw and their bums sticking out.
I decide to repeat the photograph.
There’s a sheep pressed up against a fence to my left. There’s a rock behind it. The rock twitches. The rock wriggles. The sheep notices me and jump to its feet, The rock jumps. I jump.  Another rock jumps!

Yay! the first lambs of the season!

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