Where You're Meant To Be

My Dear Fellow,

I had quite a nice day at work today. This is not to say work was productive and I accomplished great things. For goodness' sake man you know me better than that.

No, but I had some good chat and people seemed genuinely pleased to see me back at work. It still surprises me. I sometimes wonder if I've been in some way stunted by my standoffish English upbringing, I'm often taken aback by the kindness and warmth of people.

Or is it just that I'm feeling a bit nostalgic? I'm watching a documentary called "Where You're Meant To Be" which is about Aidan Moffat from the band Arab Strap. A couple of years back he decided to re-write the lyrics to Scottish folk songs, and the film is about him taking this on the road to see how it goes down with the folk community.

There's a lovely  bit of dialogue between Aidan and a traditional folk singer named Sheila Stewart - 

SHEILA: Whit sort of music do you play? Indie music?
SHEILA: I dinnae ken whit Indie music is. I thought it cam fae India.

The film reminds me of fun nights in Shetland and Edinburgh, mumbling along to familiarish songs and then joining in with the chorus with the rest of the pub. I am very fond of those songs, mainly because of the nights associated with them. I can't pretend to have any connection to the real history of them though. Maybe that's why I really enjoyed Aidan's re-written lyrics, which seemed more recognisable to me.

Here's one that made me laugh because it feels to me just about as Scottish as it is possible to get without actually exploding in a tartan cloud. I should warn you that it is also very very sweary in the verse about the Birthday Clown. 

That's whetted your appetite, I'll wager. Here it is.

El P

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