Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

A sense of community...

...in the refuge at Yorkshire Sculpture Park...
"Refuge/e is a new project that transports a shelter from Lebanon to locations around the UK... the tent is furnished with plaster and brass castings of possessions typically found in these homes ( see extras )... and visitors hear the unfiltered voices of refugees speaking about their daily experiences, illustrating the struggle for normality amid the fragments of displaced lives."
A moving experience today at YSP - especially as one of the "guides" is a refugee who has spent years living in a shelter like this one. On arrival at a camp, a family would be given the materials to construct a shelter for themselves, and the basic necessities to "furnish" it. 1 in 4 people in Lebanon is a refugee. This shelter/sculpture has been at YSP this week - we saw it written up in the newspaper and wanted to see it. I also love that it is sited next to Barbara Hepworth's Family of Man sculptures - see extras.

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