Mono Monday...Community

2 questions today.

1. Why are some birds SUPER territorial, while others seem to get along? At this beach, there is almost always a huge flock of birds. Gulls, terns, sandpipers, and skippers. All hanging out together...forming a big bird community.

2. Why do people like to chase the birds? I watched as two ten year old boys double-teamed the birds. Later, a 16 year old boy sent them scattering...causing this scene. Finally, a 35 year old woman joined the club. 35 YEARS OLD!!! Don't we ever grow up?

Still, it created a nice blip for me. So, I guess I won't complain.

Maybe a 3rd question. Was it bad for me to wish the flying birds would poop on all 4 disrupters? Huh? Huh? Huh?

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