Monday: Port Moody

I started the day by having breakfast at the 'Elbow Room', a Vancouver institution famous for the staff insulting the clientele. Choice examples from this morning included: 'Do you want hash browns with that or are you watching your ass?' or 'Do you want butter on your toast or is it as dry as your personality?' - those were some of the tamer examples. When I tell you that my breakfast companion calls himself 'Mr Fireworks - The King of Bling', you can imagine what an experience that was.

This afternoon I headed out to Port Moody for some meetings - they have a nice model train outside City Hall.

An update on Max: K. took him to the vet this morning. It's not good. In her words, he's a dying cat. She did offer to do the right thing today but K. was on her own and she knew I'd want to say goodbye. So he's home with us but unless he rallies miraculously I think we have him for a few more days at best. We have been trying to get a little food down him with a syringe but mostly we are just cuddling him and trying to make him feel loved.

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