Blast from the past
This is an old picture - I failed on today's picture. The only very tenuous link is that I've just put this baby gym up on ebay as we no longer need it for the smallest... and yes, I'm kind of sad to see it go, it's been a fixture for the past two years and been used on almost a daily basis.
The day has been one of those days - so it's nice to have a picture with the sun in it and a very happy content husband (not chained to a desk). The day started at 5am and was lots of little annoyances - one of those, no change for parking, two nappies needing changing in the park, hail and driving rain on the afternoon walk - and, a parcel for the eldest that arrived without the contents, which were socks knitted by granny to keep his feet warm in his beloved wellies.....
The husband has two days to finish the latest assignment and three days until the end of term. He has a new approach to this assignment - he sets an alarm for 45 minutes and then can have a break, he assures me it's working very well as he's always up against a small deadline. I think it's just a great way of stopping him surfing the internet for anything and everything that will distract him and making him concentrate.
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