High As A Kite At The Sight

MrQ and I were sitting sipping our elevenses cup of tea outside the back door in the sunshine when I spotted a buzzard. It was soon joined by a crow that harried it higher and higher until the raptor left the area. I was excited about getting pics of that encounter but then I saw a red kite approaching. This is the first that I have seen over our property. I got a nice shot of it with the lovely new horse chestnut buds in the frame, then it turned and flew over the house. 

My new Home Hub arrived at lunchtime and I've been grappling with its effects since. The broadband seems to work only intermittently and I've lost the wireless connection to my new printer. :( BT tell me that it will take ten days for everything to settle down.

Today's poem on World Poetry Day is Words, Wide Night by Carol Ann Duffy. http://puisipoesy.blogspot.co.uk/2007/05/words-wide-night.html

A mooning lover trying to put love into words. I don't mind the thought of "singing an impossible song of desire" but I hate, "La lala la. See?" That really grates with me. 

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