Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Mini-holiday: Day four

Life's a beach...

Tackled the hayfever early this morning, so I managed not to feel like I was being slowly and painfully murdered by the beauty of spring.

It's my last full day of my mini-holiday, so I made the most of it. Got my butt down to the beach - as if the photo wasn't a give away - and sat there for quite some time. I was joined by my friend of the beardy blips recently, enjoying the gorgeous sunset.

We were sitting there, minding our own business - singlets and shorts, which meant there was a LOT of tattoo work on show - with our arms around each other, and we noticed someone taking photos of us. He said "maybe they're shooting past us". But me being the professional photographer KNOWS where a lens is pointed.
The rogue photographer came up to us, apologised if we were unsettled, showed us the photos, and asked to use them. They did the right thing. The photos weren't great, but it was what was said that persuaded us.
"It was just so lovely seeing a pair of people who would probably struggle with being incorrectly stereotyped because of their body art, being so tender and normal."

Well, we're far from normal, but we do on occasion partake in normal-ish things. We laugh. We cry. We sit on the beach enjoying the sunset and each other's company.
Gawwwd, this is starting to play out like a bad romance novel. Eeeeeeeeeeewww. Hahah.
I'll leave it there.

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