I came home early...
...half way through the day, because I found I was expecting a parcel today with a couple of items.
Got email from Amazon, while I was eating lunch with a friend, saying Amazon Logistics were delivering today. She was quite happy to go off and do something else, and I came back home. The parcel is a candle stylus kit which sounds very ideal for my melted wax crayon art. And it was a fraction of the price of a similar set sold just for encaustic wax. So I didn't pay postage and packing as such, I ordered some acrylic brushes which made the order up to £20.
So here is me sitting by the window, as I have been all afternoon, so I do not miss the parcel. It is now 5pm and the little green tracking line is still touching the circle, and still says out for delivery, arriving today.
At this point I go a bit further into the tracking bit because I am tired of sitting by the window and I want a nap. It is at this point I find out when my parcel left Wigan (which is where it usually is before it comes here if Amazon are delivering), it took a right turn up North, instead of a left turn down to Wales, and the last destination where my parcel is on the tracking is Gourock, Inverclyde in Scotland...
Will I get my parcel today?
I did this encaustic wax painting early before I went out. I liked it, then didn't like it, then liked it, then hated it as I was progressing with it early this morning. The daffodils got worse and worse. But it is all you are getting for my painting for the day for my challenge to myself for my pic every day in 2017.
I really don't like this painting, but who says I have to like my painting as long as I post a painting a day for my challenge to myself...
I am going to close my eyes. At this point I am so tired. I shall put the 'ding dong dang' doorbell right next to my processor on the pillow...(will only work for sound input if the processor stays magnetised to my skull)...
UPDATE: 18:20
I was sound asleep in bed when suddenly the sounds of the enraged gods in the heavens pervaded my consciousness...I sat bolt upright...the doorbell was flashing its blue strobe lighting in my bedroom as though aliens had landed...'parcel' my brain said to me...I staggered to the kitchen...(somewhere along the line my processor had fallen off, it had disengaged from the magnet in my head)...paddling through water, knocking the plates of cat food over in the half dark...opened the kitchen door to this huge enormous man (one of the gods from heaven) trying to stuff this enormous parcel into the wheelie bin by my back door...I put my hands out for the parcel, but he continues trying to stuff this overblown cardboard box into the wheelie....I say give it to me...he says something back which I haven't got a clue what it is because my processor which is my input to sound is somewhere between my bed and the kitchen...he is still trying to stuff it in the wheelie...I grab the parcel off him...he looks at me, says something and I just look blank at him...he jabs his finger at his black control pad thingy in his hand...looks at me...and than charges off...into the dark and stormy night...
I come back into the kitchen and lock the door...wade through water...hang on...wading through water in my kitchen? It is raining outside, not inside...surely?
I check the tap, no, that isn't on. Then I remember, when I came home I started defrosting the fridge which was completely iced up, but then the alarm went off in my kitchen and was flashing red (this is to warn me when someone comes up the driveway...and the sound of it causes the cats to flee for their lives like bullets exiting the cat flap...but me, I cannot hear that alarm because my 'clever' processor adjusts sound automatically if it determines that sound is too loud, and it readjusts that screaming alarm as a very quiet noise for me)...I went out then, thinking it was my parcel, but it was next door walking up their driveway.
I came back in, totally forgot about the fridge defrosting and didn't place my towels there...
I need to forget about today, go to bed and start the day again tomorrow....
I had set the Amazon thing for a preferred place to leave my parcel, but when I checked, it had re set itself to 'Front Porch'. I don't have a front porch, so I had been unsure if my instructions had registered.
I will enter this for Cailleach's wild Wednesday challenge...daffodils and forgetmenots in the painting 'cos they are wild...and 'cos of the debacle trying to receive my parcel...
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