Morning all,
Firstly.....a massive Thank you to all of you and your comments overwhelmed and absolutely chuffed to bits....'spotlight' too for the first time.....mega delighted !!! You are all brilliant.....;0)
The sun is shining after a stormy night....think the Mutt has a touch 'German' in her ....first to the sunbathing, no towel down though lol !! a pic of the Mutt on day one of year two, she was my first blip on year one so only seemed right for her to kick off the new year!! Being a leap year you wont see the wee pic of her till tomorrow ;0)
Day off a real day off.....honest...shhhh.......sitting with feet up, coffee in hand.....about to get some brekkies then going for a walk in the sunshine before the weather turns later....!!! Think the Mutt just wants to get some serious sunbathing to keep the tan up !!! ;0)
Have a great day you wonderful people ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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