The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Very nearly famous!

A few days ago I went to the local paper with a complaint - which you can read about  here  .. I was so peeved when I received the fine that I went to my local paper! I don't actually buy it so have no idea whether it appeared or not - but the next thing I know, a friend forwarded me the link to the DM story (not my paper of choice, it has to be said!)

This morning I'd just returned from the morning dog walk and the phone rang. It was the local news people (Calendar News - I've also never seen that, as it appears after the ITV News and I'm a BBC News kinda gel!) He asked if I'd be prepared to be interviewed about the fine, for this evening's news ..  as it happened I'd just that minute opened the letter telling me that my objection had been dismissed. 

I would normally run a mile from being filmed or photographed - I hate it - but I went along as I was so fed up with the ludicracy of the situation, and did a pretty good interview, if I say so myself!

However - all my stress and nerves came to nothing - as far more serious things needed to be reported on the news this evening! I don't know if it'll be on tomorrow, maybe.

Here's Maisie, looking beautifully clean - she had a bath yesterday at Playpark :)

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