
By littlemissquirk


Woke up fairly unfresh in Peebles after last nights hilarity. 'Never again' close to my lips, until got a text from brother, through in Edinburgh for the rugby, do I want to come watch.
Boing, wide awake. Never say no to an invitation on kid free weekends.
Got myself home, repaired, on train by 1pm and met brother and his g/f hopped in a taxi and met their friends in Leith. Champagne was flowing by 2pm and I was inebriated by 2.22pm, more so than all the others unsurprisingly. Fab lunch at The Room in Leith then rugby and more tondrink in the packed Teuchters Landings. Great atmosphere including our table being randomly hit on by two huge very Swiss rich blokes.
The evening continued back at the lovely flat of said pals in Platinum Point in Leith. On of two they own. One flat to live in, one for their date nights...! Impressive Gina no whisky collection, turns out they are importers and distillers... looking at the orange lambourghini outside, successful trade. Was introduced to this lovely gin, Accouris which is the crime de la crime of gin(£52 a bottle). From what I remember it was schmashing.
The evening was topped off classily with two kebabs delivered by Javids, fine dining extraordinaire with champagne in hand.
Home by 11.30, sozzled and happy.

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