She stops to sip

I caught this through the kitchen window. I was actually watching for the Red Bellied Woodpecker dad to return to the back step for another peanut. Suddenly, the beautiful Mrs. Cardinal stopped at the heated bird bath for a drink. The bird bath was rather low this morning. It looks frozen, but it wasn't when I went out to check and refill it. It's so popular with all, feathered and furred. 

I think this is the first day I can say I feel slightly better. We have a big weekend coming up with Sarah's baby shower on Sunday, so I'm resting and still taking it easy. Eye status, the same. I'm not the one in the family who usually has long hanging on colds, but I am this time.

For the Record, 
This day came in very cold and clear after a night of howling cold winds. T has been driving and parking at the station, so I didn't have to go out in the early morning cold again today. I've already decided, no painting tomorrow for me.

All hands heavy hearted over London and worn down by all the chaos and drama in Washington. 45's son, a disgraceful tweeter as well.

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