Kota ini bagus

Repeat visits to places and projects build up knowledge in increments. Occasionally there are eureka moments, but mostly it's a slow creep of dawning realisations and navigations of language, culture and interpretation.

Over the years, due to a few real howlers, with awful financial connotations, related to grants in our Indonesia programme, there aren't too many people at head office willing to get behind our Indonesia team. It's no coincidence that those of us who do are those who have spent the most time here. As in many places the main challenges are differences in information-sharing and communication within an international organisation. I can unequivocally say that our Indonesian colleagues know their sh*t.

We emerged from the office as the sun was setting. I wasn't believed in the office when I said I'd rather live in Indonesia than Singapore. I do like Indonesia. I wonder if I will ever live here.

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