
By Munroist4113

No golf today!

The river burst its banks in the night. So the golf course is flooded. I took the photo with my phone when I was out this morning.

I covered 4 miles, all in the village, as I walked west to return the Jane Austen DVDs I had borrowed, noticing someone had stuck a message on a tree to say they'd lost a garmin in the area. I then carried on to Pondicherry to call on another friend I'd not seen for ages. Then I headed back into the village to post a parcel to a Suffolk friend for her birthday. I was tempted into the wool shop and bought some lime green wool, and some bright deep pink to make a tunic for Ella. Well it's not wool, more of a soft cotton. Then I headed east to return Katie's brolly which I'd borrowed. After that it was up the hill home. On the way I saw a pedometer on the gatepost, so had to return to the tree where I saw the message to get the number to phone the lad to tell him where his gadget was - nowhere near where he thought he'd lost it. That's enough excitement for one day.

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