Ogden Water
Much better weather today but I didn't fancy sloshing around Bingley St Ives for my daily walk so Tony suggested driving over to Ogden Water and we walked around the reservoir instead.
The gas men cometh tomorrow. Our street is full of holes as they replace the gas supply pipe, and the holes have reached us. This morning we had two very nice gas men in their stockinged feet in our kitchen umming and aahing as they peered at our gas meter which is sneakily hidden behind a set of cupboards on the wall. We had taken out the shelves and backboard to give them access, but the problem is that the pipe to the meter goes through a void which is inaccessible. If they are able to push the new pipe through tomorrow all will be well, if not......watch this space. I might just disappear for the day.
We are all numb from yesterday's events in London but does anyone else think that the media are overdoing their coverage? I could hardly believe at lunchtime that on a BBC programme one journalist was suggesting that our security services had not done their job properly, WHAT?! Why do we have to have all this supposition and nth degree analysis? Let the excellent services do their jobs and wait until everything is known and then just report it!
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