
We managed to get the short notice homework done this morning. She wrote an hilarious alliteration poem called Hyper Hippohopomous in about ten minutes flat as we had next to no time to do it. Thankfully, the teacher thought it was brilliant and gave her five marbles. However katie confessed that in fact she'd not been listening and it wasn't actually homework rather a suggested "at some point" activity. Ah well, we managed it!

We spent a while on the "Tale as Old as Time" together before taking her to her clarinet lesson. Despite a few bits of stroppy she worked really well and achieved loads. Whilst she was at school we booked her summer piano exam and sorted out the accompanist for her may clarinet exam.

She arrived at school in time to join her class for country dancing. She enjoyed reading her poem out but said she couldn't finish it as "it made her tongue twist" !

We cycled home from school and had a bit of time trying one of her festival outfits- I made a skirt and underskirt for her today. She's very happy with it!

Dance class tonight. The commercial teacher that she's been really enjoying is now moving to London to be a dancer. She's quite disappointed! When we got home I suggested it was time for bed but she declined and said she wanted to go on the piano instead. She worked super hard and fixed a wee bug in one of her pieces. She did great.

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