Heart of Glass

The weather completely turned today & was cold and wet!! People were in shorts & flip flops yesterday!!
I dived into a café to do some computer based work whilst Danny gave an English lesson in the flat. 

Saw the home birth midwives this afternoon...they said to get comfortable with the fact he might be another 2-3 weeks!! Argh...my fat feet can't cope that long!!! We could choose to be induced way before that in hospital, but I've been there & done that & don't want to do it again!

Apologies for a lazy emergency blip! Added in an extra of some gorgeously colourful napkins, just because they make me feel good looking at them!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Getting the washing in just before the rain started! :-)
2) Luci getting Asha involved in feeling the baby's position, measuring him, letting her help take my BP etc... I love that Asha's having all these experiences.
3) A productive morning...felt I could have a guilt-free chilled afternoon! 

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