Renault 5

The day has mostly been a washout!  It was raining all morning and most of the afternoon, with it finally stopping in the late afternoon.  It was breezy, but now feels like it's dropped.

I was working in the museum office this morning, and plenty more scanning to do.  There was a tea party too this morning, and it was for Gena's retirement, she'll be a huge miss to the museum.  I was on the desk in the afternoon, and plenty of setting up tables etc for the weekend events.  We are short staffed again this eveing, so I've pulled the short straw again, and working all evening too. 

I nipped home at lunchtime, for got me phone charger, and needed for a long day in the museum.  I was thinking I might get out for a walk, but not a chance, so a quick turn about through the village in the car.  I passed this old Renault 5 GT Turbo, and it's been here a week or so now.  I always wanted one when I was a boy racer, still wouldn't mind :)  But you don't see many of them on the roads nowadays!  Taken on Main Street, Scalloway.  

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