Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Red Nose Day

P's school love a dress up day! They seem to have 1 a term and as it's Red Nose Day today the children could come to school dressed as film character. P wanted to be smurfette... so out came the blue face paint!

At work we also raised some money with a PJ day. I wore my cow print PJ's much to everyone's amusement. I did however take a change a clothes with me for when I went into town at lunch!

A was back to nursery today. He doesn't like his new medication and I have to bribe him to have it with chocolate but it seems to be working. He had a good day by all accounts and all the children wore red for the day.

My niece has come to stay again for the weekend. She and P have been giggling all evening and have only just gone to sleep at 9:30!

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