Happy Red Nose Day.

I embarrassed myself today by yelling at a head teacher of a school I was picking up from to tell her her cardigan was inside out! I forgot it was Red Nose day and saw her before I saw all the other children with their clothes on inside out and back to front!!! 

Daughter Number 1 and I then worked together for the afternoon which was nice. She's almost finished her 3rd year at Uni studying her Social Work degree so has finished placement and has time to get back to some paid work before she qualifies. She will soon be my boss!!

On our way from work, we were due to go and watch Mr W (Husband Number 2!) play in a Squash doubles tournament until he rang me to tell me that Husband Number 1 was in it!!! (Luckily not actually playing each other!!!). So we went home and ate cream eggs !

Heres Monkey - he came free with a box of PG tips. Making his debut on Red Nose day. He will soon be relegated to my car where he will be terrorised by various children before probably being thrown out the window like most of the toys I keep in my car!!!

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