
By Grimsayer


Another day in school this time as a combination of music (boo) and IT (hurrah)
Friday finishes just gone 2 and so still plenty of chance to make the most of our run of weather. This Tystie - properly Black Guillemot but Tystie is what they use in Shetland and seems to work - posed for me. Always an immaculate bird, the inside of the beak is a stunning crimson but sadly not showing here.
A busy evening .First of all a pop-up art show in the aptly named cow-shed. I was expecting things to pop out of the walls etc but was disillusioned to be told that it referred solely to the brevity of the show. That said good art, company, food and wine - although more boos (or in fact less booze...) as I was driving. 
Could have stayed considerably longer but we were bidden forth to a concert of local music in Lochmaddy. As ever the youngsters impress, one playing the accordion and the other the clarsach (small harp to you or I although I felt after all my experience of teaching music I ought to know more)

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