Backlit Bush

We went out for lunch today which proved to be a rather protracted affair when we realised that people ,who had come in after us, were being served their main course whilst we had not yet received our starters. When we asked what was happening they said our order had been mislaid between the computer ordering terminal at the bar and the kitchen. I think the owner of the bar was so busy on the phone that he forgot to put our order in. Still we did get free starters ! 

We decided to go home for coffee and as it was so sunny, we had our coffee outside in the garden house for the first time this year. sitting there in late afternoon I noted that one of our shrubs was exhibiting marvellous backlighting so I rushed inside to grab my camera. The effect is rather weird and wonderful and it is worth going in close to view it in more detail. The bush is a Stag Horn Sumac or Rhus Typhina and all of its branches and twigs are covered in a fine hairy filament which was backlit by the late afternoon sun. You can even see that there are a couple of filaments of spider web caught by the sun. I can never remember the name of this particular bush had had to go back through a couple of years of blips to find its name as I knew I had looked it up on the web previously.

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