It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann


Last week I spent a joyful evening attaching name labels to no1 son's new items of uniform. I had bought some "rivvits" from the label company which made the job much quicker but found me regressing to my A-Level English Lit days reading this novella, Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. The book had a lasting effect on me and not in a good way, in fact it put a stop to any aspirations of a future in literature/writing/journalism... It took many years before I was able to even pick up a "quality" book and when I did I felt I had to prove myself by reading classics from Dickens, Hardy and Austen. I can't remember what this book was about but the few pages where "rivets, rivets!" were exclaimed have been branded into my memory forever... I can't believe I kept the 2 copies I had to buy!

Maybe one day when I'm a grown up without the hang ups I developed in my formative years I'll have a go at reading it.

I had already blipped that day last week when I began labelling so when I got out the sewing box again tonight to do poorly boy's name tags I felt justified in referring to the rivets! story in retrospect.

The one positive I take from this tale is that I met my good friend miss lifferz in the class.

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