Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

New Years Day

Had a really lovely and mellow hogmanay with my folks, Clark and Sarah, Clarks best mate Bruce, Maggie and the cats :O) Yummy dinner followed by lots of vino, then we split up into groups and had a bit of a pub quiz. Maggie and I won - we went from calling ourselves 'Team Shit' to 'Team Not As Shit As Everyone Else'! lol Dad was not in the least bit amused at having been beaten -I'm still quietly gloating today.

Mags and I went for a bit of a drive this afternoon, then on a big long walk along the Fairy Glen in Rosemarkie. Blow out the cobwebs and get some fresh air! I'm totally shattered now, but it was worth it.

It was so beautiful. You follow the stream right along the wooded glen up to a gorgeous waterfall. Some of it was still icy and made the most incredible shapes in the water. I have so many pictures that I was really stuck about which one to use today. In the end I decided to make this my blip because I love waterfalls, but also (and it could just be me that sees this!) there was this ice shape hanging onto a branch over the falls and it looked to me like an angel hovering just in front of them. I have a very vivid imagination! ;O)

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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