Lorna's Little Life

By lornabowry

Passing Place or Parking

As I walked by this sign earlier, which I go past very often, I noticed it in a very different context that before. It struck me how much I felt like life is like a place at times.

There are options at a passing place on the road. You can drive straight by without needing to use it. You can swerve in to it and continue slowly moving through as another car passes you. You can stop your car and wait for another to pass.

Isn't this like life? Do you ever feel like you go straight past things without even noticing them or needing them, or like you're always on the move but have to slow down at times to let something important happen, or like you have to pause for a moment to take it all in?

Right now I feel like I'm slowly moving through a passing place. I've moved on from so many things lately. I'm slowly starting many new things. There are many things buzzing around me in life. And I aim to be somewhere different come next summer.

Starting college is a big thing for me, and today I did that. This is the next 10 months of my life now. Strangely right now I feel like that is 10 months of slowly moving through a passing place. I have so many important things going on around college too. At the end of these 10 months I will be 'qualified' in something which in many ways I feel I know a lot about anyway. But the thing that makes me feel most like I'm slowly moving through a passing place is during these 10 months I have to be at distance from my partner, and after this time we can be with each other for more than just holidays, and that will be me leaving the passing place and driving off in to the rest of my life. Qualified, experienced and ready to GO FOR IT! Life, bring it on!

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