Sunbathing Deer...

We had a walk in the animal park this afternoon.  
Our favourite Stag Mario, who disappeared a few weeks ago, has sadly died.  He was badly injured in a fight.  We are going to write his name on a heart shaped pebble and bury it somewhere in the park.  It's not the same without him there to greet us.  Not the same at all.  I'm hoping when the frogs are back on the lake that I start enjoying my visits there again. Alfred loves it there. We bought him a stuffed toy Raccoon (his favourite of the animals there - he's obsessed) on the way out today.  It's sitting on his beanbag waiting to be discovered. I'd  love to see his face when he finds it, but he slinks off upstairs to the beanbag for some solitude when no one's looking, so I'll probably miss the first encounter... :-)

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