Gimmeldinger Mandelblütenfest
The Almond Blossom Festival in Gimmeldingen is very popular.
I've never seen that many people there, but that's no surprise - just look at that sky! And if you come close to the screen, you may be able to smell the wonderful scent of the blossoms.
Next year I will skip it or go one week later. Chances are good for just as many blossoms, but not that many people.
I choose this photo to show the young couple on the left carrying a Dubbeglas. Half a liter of wine or Weinschorle in each and you carry it around with you, enjoying the blossoms and the panorama path. That's life in the Palatinate.
19:45; 14°C
PS The bomb defusing went smooth and did not affect me. I took a train earlier and was at the festival before noon (along with zillions of others with the same idea).
PPS "De Dorscht, der macht erscht richtig Spaß, hoscht so e Pälzer Dubbeglas."
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