Furnace Lass

By furnacelass


Thank you so much everyone for all your very encouraging comments , stars and hearts. I am completely overwhelmed by your responses and to be in the spotlight since last night is wonderful . Thank you everyone. I am working my way through all the comments and promise to get back to everyone. I really feel quite humble given that i seemto have been neglecting all you blip friends as I have been of wandering here , there and everywhere.

Today was a very busy day. John hired a heavy duty strimmer last night and bought me a special gift ; an elctric mower as our old petrol mower had just about died a death. Just waht every woman wants !!

Any we worked for most of the day in the garden before having to return the strimmer to Lochgilphead.

The garden now looks much more respectable which is just as well as we'll be all over the place over the next month. Tonight I spotted some chaffinches settling in the bushes outside our living room window. So here is tonight's blip , another wee garden bird, sorry but at least it isn't another robin.

Regards everyone.

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