twinned with trumpton


A messy night; Alex with a sore ear (infection?) and then the clocks changing led to boys getitng up, going back to sleep and then getting up again.

So not a high tempo start but eventually we got the Spanish Bean Stew on; and dived out on the bikes; dropped their Mothers Day cards; to Lidl for blips and bits for lunch; sunny and warm. 

We hoovered and sorted school uniforms for Monday and eventually the parents arrived; bearing fizzy wine and bread; we chatted before tucking into the the aforementioned SBS and then pear pecan and choc sponge.

Coffee was consumed and we headed - as with the previous Sunday - along with 50% of Edinburgh to the Botanics; some decent rhododendron colour; shoots a-plenty, some hardy primulas popping out and then the folks bade us farewell as we headed for home. 

Chicken wraps and cake and crap TV rounded off Sunday.

Nothing says Happy Mothers Day like garage bought flowers & Ferrero Rocher.

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