Nicktor's news

By Nicktor

Lake Geneva

Had to get into work far too early this morning which meant no time for dallying to take a blip on the way into work. Left the office to go to London later than planned which meant I was rushing, and didn't have time to take a blip on the drive to the train station. I forgot that I was going to London when I left the house this morning, which meant that I had my DSLR with me rather than my hand-bag camera (well that's what the lovely Mrs Nicktor calls hers!), and didn't really want to take that up on the train.

Back from London much later than anticipated, hot, sweaty and very tired. Can't be bothered to spend anytime looking for anything more immaginative to blip so it's a crap photo today.

Oh - and in case you hadn't noticed, it's not actually Lake Geneva, it's Shottermill pond!

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