Hellegat Saturday

At 07.20 (yes, that early), hubby drove off to the 100-game bridge drive in Breda -- a whole day of nothing but bridge, meaning a whole free day for me as well.  Did the laundry, ironing, ran the dishwasher, worked on week 1 of the Ancient Superpowers MOOC, the bookkeeping, and somewhere between those activities, I drove to the Hellegat and had an hour of wandering and shooting.

The weather was perfect and apparently the animals decided to enjoy it, too.  Bulls and horses were grazing together (but without rubbing elbows or shoulders) and there was a variety of fowl all over the place, flapping and honking.  I climbed an observation tower but as there were no animals in the vicinity of the tower, my shots of the area looked like some kind of Dutch Serengeti.  It was very muddy on the walk to the tower and hubby told me that I was lucky it didn't suddenly flood while I was there ... the horror!  This was shot when I was back on the road.  I'd already spotted them on my way and they were still there on my way back.

Back home, a quiet evening of dinner, NCIS, and more MOOC.  Hubby was home at about 23.30.  We were both rather satisfied with our respective days.

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