Another Sh*t Picture

Another day of good weather (it is due to change tomorrow!) although the breeze was a shade cool when it found you.

The monsters were not keen on waking this morning whch meant they were a bit grumpy before getting to school.

PD was dragging his heels and slouching along behind.

We visited SWMBO's mother.

I hadn't picked up the plug-in viewfinder for the wee camera so the bright sun made it very hard to see what I was getting with the holly and the tiny blossom on the lunchtime walk. My back was giving me jip again so it was a slow walk but it meant that I was doing anything to distract myself ...... like sometimes stopping and just listening to all the different bird songs and the frogs.

Sat out in the sun while Squirrel raced about on her bike (she picked it up a lot quicker and is much more confident than her brother).

Took some pictures of the layers in the stones in the front (again not easy is the bright sun).

Changed the empty ink cartridges in the printer and failed miserably to get a decent print done..... the colour balance in what should be a black and white shot is all over the place.

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