Book club

This is a ridiculous photo for today - I had my house full with people I adore all eve and I didnt get a single photo....good grief :-) Somehow Ive gotten so I dont like to just snap photos here or there...but then I end up missing a lot of photos I wish I had.

In any case, photo or no photo, it was a lovely evening. I have been part of a book club for the past 11 or 12 years and they were here tonight for book chat and fish soup :-) For some reason we didnt have a book to read this last couple of months.... (or rather because I forgot to send email out the title of the book we had chosen) :-) So, instead we all brought a book or two to recommend to the others - it was nice and good to get some ideas about what to read. We are not the most serious book club - but we are definitely the nicest book club I know :-) Good steady group of friends - I look forward to seeing us all hanging out when we are in our 80s :-)

Anyway, even though I didnt get a photo of the girls here, I wanted a photo to represent the eve and this was the book I is fabulous! And no, I am not interested in baseball, in the least :-)

It is late and I need to get some sleep but I want to share with you a musician that one of my students told me about today and who sings beautifully - Dessa. Here is one of her songs that I like particularly well.
Dessa- It´s Only Me

Have a good night!

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