The Joys of Shifting

No, it's not my bike and not my banana boxes. It's given me ideas though ;-)

My eyes are crossing and my brain is full. I've just read 3 of the 4 documents emailed to me by my lawyer. I'll be signing the paper work for my new home on Thursday.

Earlier today I spotted an error by the lawyer (or their assistant). Tonight I've spotted a date error from the bank. The former has been corrected and I'm sure the bank will fix the date bit.

I got a bit of packing done tonight too. A couple of boxes I'd left unsealed are topped up and taped now. The stuff from the shelf in my wardrobe is packed. Every bit helps.

I found some things for the op shop. I'm always pleased to have stuff to part with :-)

Thank you all for your concern for me yesterday. A number of you asked if she stopped. Yes and no. She knew what she'd nearly done and stopped literally in the middle of the road 50m from me.

It's a busy 6 lane road with 3 lanes either side and a median strip in the middle. I guess she could have tried to park but she didn't. It wasn't easy for me to go back either.

Happily I was on my bike today.

Only 10 more big sleeps (unless you're the little pope in which case it's only 8 more big sleeps before he goes into the slammer for a short holiday before joining me at his new home).

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