Cast adrift

One step forward, two steps back. We're getting on with the arrangements in the garden. Decided on the new position for the greenhouse, cleaned the frame, moved it into position and began to refit the glass - I thought I had noted the layout of the glass but obviously not as the first few panes were a bit like doing a jigsaw. Completed about a tenth of the glass, quite a few left to do and also some new panes to cut given I'd broken 3 taking the glass out.

The company providing Susan's studio is now holding us back. We have to put our hands up in that we kept changing our minds but over two weeks ago we thought we had finalised the design and were promised a plan within a few days. This didn't materialise despite calls and we're still waiting as it seems the person we spoke to then hasn't passed on anything to the person dealing with our order.

This has been my experience with companies of late (and not just of late really). They don't do what they say and you have to keep chasing them up. Same with the bathroom. The white vanity cupboard doors have changed colour to a cream and sitting onto is a white sink. It transpires that there is a 5 year guarantee with furniture and we're still inside that timeframe. Yet, trying to get the issue sorted is well nigh impossible as nobody rings you back! Not to mention we have an illuminated LED mirror which started flashing in December 2015 yet when we tried to get it replaced they said they could only provide one at half price! But their terms and conditions give a 5 year guarantee on illuminated mirrors. They will not win!

Is this crazy? I heard on the news today that the South Western Train franchise will be taken over by a Chinese railway company. To add to the railway franchises already run by the Dutch State Railways and the German State Railways.

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