Hangingstone Heather

Thanks to all those who left such wise and supportive messages yesterday. You are an amazing community of people. You helped put things into perspective for me. It's also helped that I've seen some photos from the first day in the Dolomites and it looks as though it's been very wet!

I guess that's the most difficult thing about getting older, having to accept that you can no longer do the same things that you did when you were younger. As far as sport is concerned I guess I'm very lucky that I'm only now having to give certain things away. And I do realise that I'm still very fit by normal standards. I fully intend to climb many more mountains and cycle many more cols, but perhaps without the pressure of being in a race situation, and with more of an eye to a good photograph than a fast time. That's no bad thing. It's just that this change has happened a little more quickly than I expected.

It seems that just as young people have growth spurts, older people have decline spurts! I feel like I've experienced one of those this year. Up until now it's been a very gradual process, almost imperceptible really, getting slightly slower but without any inward awareness of that slowing. That process has not been so gradual of late, and I've been very much aware of it, the lack of zip in the legs, the inability to read small print other than at arm's length, the difficulty in remembering stuff from one minute to another. I guess those things will be recognised by many people in their fifties? It all seems to have come at once. But certain things do seem to get better with age, some of which have come as a very pleasant surprise! It's certainly not all doom and gloom!!

I had intended to get out on the bike tonight but ended up being later than expected, so with the light closing in fast now, I went for a run on the moor instead. I do seem to be getting my running legs back finally. The light was again beautiful and I've chosen this because I realise that I haven't properly caught the heather yet this year. It's probably just past its peak now. I'm pretty sure the colour is not as vibrant as it was last week.

Finally, youngest son put together a clip we recorded while I was wearing a helmet mounted camera the other week. We went for a ride on the local roads so this will give you a wonderful idea of what if feels like to ride a bike around here. You can hear me wittering away but Roam's voice is not so clear - not that he said too much. I'm sure he'll get revenge before too long. Click here to take a look.

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