Journey Through Time

By Sue

A Plethora of Petunias

I gotta tell you, Miracle Grow Bloom works. Or any flower fertilizer that encourages blooms will do the trick. This is the first year I finally used it, and this container of petunias is a cascade of flowers that looks like a beautiful flower skirt that reaches to the ground and beyond. It is just gorgeous. The colors are a deep purple and this lovely light colored one with a slight lavender tint and darker in the middle. These are the newer variety of petunias that aren't as leggy as the old ones. No pinching back required, really. We have so enjoyed this container, except for the heliotrope which started out strong, but didn't like that super hot weather we had. My pink ones, exactly the same variety of petunia, had a harder time for some reason. But, overall, very pleased with the result of a bloom booster fertilizer.

A much warmer day today and the tomatoes are still green! Eeeek. We are getting some little ones, but the regular sized ones are a lovely shade of lime.

And that's it from the garden front. Hope all is well with everyone. See ya later.

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