
By gillyh

Relex be happy

This is what was on our bed when we came back from town today. We took a cab into the second largest city, Lautoka, this morning, we had intended to catch the local bus but the service appeared to be rather erratic. A nice little town (the whole population of Fiji is not quite 1 million) where we were politely and elegantly scammed to the tune of 10 Fijian dollars (about 4 pounds), and ended up buying something we completely did not want, however, relex, be happy.
So ooooh hot today. Off to see a kava prep display.
Well, have had my first sip of kava - rather medicinal taste that made my lips and tongue slightly numb. Think l will stick to the Sav B
Photo is of mixture in it's traditional bowl - rather muddy looking mixture.

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