A Field of Lupins

The sun changes everything! I can only stay philosophical about rain and drizzle for so long before I become grumpy and depressed. Then we get a 'teaser' day of sun followed by more rain. The latest tease, which has caught OilMan's attention is the running total of rainfall for the year (October to the end of September). We are now, wait for it,  two tenths of an inch from breaking the record for the most rainfall in one year here in recorded history. We are also being told that there are no more big storms on the horizon.

If there wasn't another drop of rain from now until the end of September, I wouldn't give a fig if we break any records.

I walked up to the field behind our house and decided I'd better capture the lupins pretty quickly. I liked the effect of the two chairs our neighbor put in her field next to ours. It could almost be another 'faceless portrait' since it captures the beauty of the scene even without anybody sitting there.

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