Sieze the day

By Mario

Dances with Shadows

Don't ever trust what you see when you reveiw your images on your camera,I almost binned this one saying to myself it was that word starting with C. When I looked on the PC I quite liked it, bit arty farty and don't ask me how I did it because I'm not 100% sure. I forget to readjust my whitebalance from yesterday and I watched this Family playing at the Skate Park the 2 wee ones were running up the ramps and having fun,this is when dad was taking them home after giving Mum some driving lessons around the carpark. I set my ISO high and shot this hand held but instead of being in Manual I was in Aperature and ended up with a longer exposure. The orange lights were very annoying as it turned everything orange. As the Family was walkng out of the Park I pressed the Shutter release and paned with them,thats technical jargon for moving LOL.

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