Parliament Reflections

On my way to a meeting in the Holyrood Tav - it's still that to me, even although it's been called Holyrood 9A for years. The whole area has changed so much in the past three and a bit decades since I started work at S&N in 1985. Walking up Holyrood Road it was striking just how much the urban landscape had changed since the days when I used to cross the road from S&N's Head Office to eat in the canteen that was all that was left of the old distribution depot on that side of the road. Most of Holyrood Road, up to Moray House's old and new buildings, were either S&N buildings or the cleared spaces where the company buildings has once been, used as car parking for employees in the interim. There was a small modern pub halfway up Holyrood Road on the right hand side that was used for various company drinks events but I can't remember its name. And a couple of old gas cylinders across the road. I need to find an old map. Sadly I don't think I took many photographs - if only I'd been a blipper then!

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