Sky at night

Thursday 30th March 2017 (1678)

I did an Easter journey with the community school today. We started in school and did a little drama about Palm Sunday. The whole school then walked through the village waving palm leaves and shouting "Hosanna". They managed to keep it up all the way, I'm surprised they had any voices left. 

In church we did a drama about Jesus washing the disciples feet and I washed the feet of three of the children. We then acted the last supper and Gethsemane before they stripped me of my robes and we carried the cross to the church field for a moment of silence reflecting on Good Friday before decorating the cross with flowers, waving the palm leaves and shouting "Alleluia". They all entered into the story. Thankfully the rain held off until the moment we finished, although they would have got a little wet getting back to school. 

I grabbed this shot on my phone as I left for my evening meeting. I'm too tired for anything else now so it will have to do. 


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