experimental architectureal

Every Thursday, while I'm waiting for T.'s therapie, I walk along this building with Omo. It is a part of a factory for special windows and their own windows look stunning. So I was very happy that ATs theme (thanks Ingeborg) was "architectural".
It has also enough colour for Hobbs CMC17. But you can never have too much colour for CMC. Some days ago I found some neon coloured rubber rings. You can use everything for blip and so I tried Marcus theme to use a self made filter for his Experimental Photographie challenge...
( I used a bundle of rings and held it in front of the lens, almost lying on the ground, a very impatient dog grousing next to me..;-)))  blippers are crazy :-D  )
So it is a three in one blip for AT, CMC17 and EP :-))

I have to appologize that I'm again far behind with commenting.
My to-do -list is from here to the moon and back and I don't love it ;-)

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