Memoria Fotografica

By pippp

Liz headed off to Electric Picnic today. I was picked up in the morning by J & KF and we drove out to Greystones to check out the venue for our Christmas weekend away with international students. It's great and right near the sea.

Had a super yummy lunch at one of the many cafes in the town. I order pitta and 2 salads and it was amazing. In the pitta alone there was goat's cheese, peppers, greenery, hummus and more! YUM.

Then we drove to Dún Laoghaire to drop off some Uncover gospels at the office and to see Hannah. Then back into the city for coffee and brownies at J&KF's and a chance to put some all important dates in the diary. I'm well excited about this year. Can't wait for the studes to arrive!

Oh, also, about the photo: it always makes me smile but would a dog really pick up it's own poo if it had hands? I think not. Who would? Also, if it did have hands then surely it would use them to flush the loo instead of picking up it's poo outside in public? Hmmm?! They clearly did think of these things. And I clearly have too much thinking time.

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