
Evie started the junior school today and May went into year 1!!

May swaggered into class without any worries at all, I have no idea where all this confidence has come from but I love it! Her 3 year old cousin is taller than her but she doesn't let her height hold her back! She's changed from only wanting to go in on a certain day to now loving school!

Evie, however, was a different story. Tears before bed last night then she woke this morning full of excitement. At the school she clung to me and when the whistle went her grip tightened and the tears started. She had a few great friends that whisked her off. I spent the whole day worrying but at pick up she ran out and said she had had the best day and she loved it and she can't wait to go back tomorrow!! Big smiles all round :)

Now off out for a family meal to celebrate! Happy Days!

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