
By HareBrain


Magnolia, just one bloom from my neighbours' beautiful tree for FlowerFriday.  Thanks once again to BikerBear for hosting the FF challenge.

We are well and truly cream crackered this evening having been in the garden all day with  friend's power washer ........

Many, many hours later, we got it going and have been going with it for what seems like hours and hours.  Well,  the results are perfect and the decking and slabs look like new.  I gave a little kiss to the Darth Vader wielding the power washer saber and hey ho ......he turned into a frog prince in Extra!! Thought it was supposed to be the other way round??

In the midst of all this hard work I managed to produce a Cheesy Ham and Leek pie for dinner whilst watching Master Chef, mistake, but my pie was more than quite good actually.  Not sure what Greg and John would have thought of it though?

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

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