Holiday home
The tadpoles moved to their new home today, here TallGirl is floating her (sweetie) box full on the surface to allow the temperatures to equalize and prevent thermic shock. As you can see, we've provided an enriched environment for them. Yes, instead of packing, today I searched the garden for fun objects for tiny toads.
More later... Getting on plane now.
So TallGirl did not emerge from her room at the promised 'early' time (though it could be a definitional thing) so I switched the day around and spent the morning slashing and burning in the garden.
This afternoon, off to TallGirl's school to pick up her report. Her principal teacher described her as 'perfect in every way' - even I was embarrassed so we didn't bother seeing any other teachers (you don't have to see them).
Lots of errands, then more garden work, washing, ironing, much chat with neighbours (including the kindly souls who only very gently mocked our request for them to feed the tadpoles, and another couple who are rescuing me from the problem of us arriving home when the shops are closed.
And tomorrow I will pack (obviously I mean today since I'm backblipping this after yet another app fail.)
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