Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ


After a lazy morning enjoying bacon butties for breakfast we got in the car and headed down the coast to Southwold. It has to be my favourite seaside town and it didn't disappoint today. The sun was shining and we enjoyed a walk along the pier. We enjoyed the crazy slot machines, the wall of mirrors and ended in the tea rooms (the cream tea was delicious.)

We had a walk into the town and pottered around in some of the shops. Joules for me and Adnams for Mr J! P had spotted some shire horses giving people rides around the town earlier and when we spotted them waiting at the clock tower for more passengers we couldn't resist a ride. A was asleep so Mr J took him to the pub for a swift half. P loved the carriage ride and thought it was hilarious when one of the horses did a poop and we had to stop for it to be shovelled up!

We went back to the pier along the sea front and P collect some stones and shells. A had woken from his nap a bit grumpy and said the sea was too scary so stayed in the pushchair. He soon cheered up when we all got some chips to eat though!

This evening we had a play at the campsite park and then went to the kiddies disco. The children loved it and joined in with most of the activities. P was disappointed that she didn't get chosen to go up on stage but I'm glad she didn't as the mummy's had to go up with them and we made to say ridiculous tongue twisters!

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